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LI rentals rise as housing market sputters

LI rentals rise as housing market sputters Local homeowners and real estate investors are putting more houses up for rent as they wait for a hoped-for rise in sale prices, according to brokers and online real estate listings. In addition, developers are finding it easier to get financing to build apartment buildings than co-ops or… read more

I spoke to a Realtor and we had a tentative appointment .When I asked for the address for the Rental Apartment or Full House Rental he/she wouldn’t give it to me until an hour or so before the appointment…Why?

A-Ok the reason for this one dates back as far as you can go and as a matter of fact there are a few reasons and it’s one of the very first things you learn as an agent as I did 15 years ago. Here we go….1-Unfortunately in this world there is never a shortage… read more

Pets and Rentals -Where to get the best deal on pet supplies has taken the opportunity to create a one stop shop for the renter not only providing services such as the ability to get discounted pet products,medications and supplies but also information about “Your Rental Market” in an effort to assist you on your new journey to find a place to call home! To get… read more

The Parkside Cafe in Seaford featured local restaurant has taken the opportunity to create a one stop shop for the renter providing  information about “Your Rental Market” in an effort to assist you on your new journey to find a place to call home!When the time comes that you are getting familiar with the area and thinking of moving or perhaps you have moved to the… read more

What a good one bedroom Apartment should be…and cost you in Rent!

One Bedroom Apartments: The way it breaks down is like this…There are actually a few kinds of one bedroom apartments that we see in this market. The First kind of one bedroom apartment is the very basic two room apartment also known as the “living room kitchen combination” Now on the low end you would… read more